Template for Joint Meeting Notes

Joint Meeting – Month 2015 (held on Month Day)

Chaired by: _____________

Attendees are:

Sr. xxxxxx
Br. xxxxxx

Br. xxxxx
Br. xxxxx

Standing Committee Members:
Br. xxxxx
Br. xxxxx

Attendance required for quorum: Put 50% of total members (rounded up)
Attending number of members: Put number of attendee

Following Agenda items were discussed and decisions were taken by the board:

  1. (Fixed Agenda Item) Approval of xxxx  meeting minutes – Approved xxxxx Meeting minutes
  2. (Fixed Agenda Item) Expense Reporting xxxxxxxx
  3. Open House
    1. xxxxxxx
  4. Masjid Beautification
    1. xxxxxxxxx
  5. Presenting Islam to Fellow Americans. (PITFA) presentation – xxxxxxxxx
  6. Roundtable
    1. xxxxxxxx

Meeting adjourned at ____ pm