
BOT Meeting notes

Date: October 30, 2021Time: 10am (sharp) 

Item Discussed:
A) State of the Religious activities:

  • Several activities are being done by Sheikh Munawar Haque: BOT has requested him to send a list of activities that he is doing. During meeting following was mentioned as activities regularly done.
  1. Sunday Tafsir (not part of AMDA activity)
  2. Daily Tafsir of Holy Quran in Fajr
  3. Additional activities are mentioned in his monthly report available on website
  4. Education program proposal from Sheikh: He wants to start a adult education section. Detail still in the works. Initial thought is that there will be 25 lectures and rest could be online

B) Education program proposal from Sheikh: He wants to start a adult education section. Detail still in the works. Initial thought is that there will be 25 lectures and rest could be online

C) Imam hiring status and decision at Representative Board joint meeting: Imam hiring process is ongoing. Status was provided in October 2021 Joint meeting of BOT & BOR. In joint meeting it was agreed the search committee shall look for the best qualified person for the position.